(中央社記者王怡文澳洲黃金海岸5日專電)澳大利亞黃金海岸(Gold Coast)將主辦2018年大英國協運動會(Commonwealth Games),活動標誌昨天正式公布,宣告5年後在此地開幕。

活動標誌融合黃金海岸的高樓大廈、海灘與運動項目,獲得出席公布儀式的眾多運動員好評。前游泳名將柏金斯(Kieren Perkins)和倫敦奧運100公尺跨欄冠軍皮爾遜(Sally Pearson)都對亮眼又易辨識的標誌印象深刻。



黃金海岸代市長蓋茨(Donna Gates)表示,標誌的正式亮相給當地社區很大鼓舞。

黃金海岸著名的衝浪者天堂(Surfers Paradise)海灘旁也設立衝浪板形式的倒數器,標示著年月時分,倒數著開幕日的到來。當地有不少來自各國的觀光客,間接為活動取得國際曝光的機會。1020405


Sweden's Elin Holmlov takes a shot towards the net during the third period of their preliminary round game against the Czech Republic at the IIHF Ice Hockey Women's World Championship in Ottawa April ... 較多?

Sweden's Elin Holmlov takes a shot towards the net during the third period of their preliminary round game against the Czech Republic at the IIHF Ice Hockey Women's World Championship in Ottawa April 2, 2013. REUTERS/Blair Gable (CANADA - Tags: SPORT ICE HOCKEY) 較少?